from Instagram
Corrida da Árvore: prova superada!
Era para estar nos Sinos, optei pela🌲
Modo arrastão ligado, mas satisfação pela conquista da melhor medalha que se pode dar numa prova: um pinheiro!
Venha a próxima!
“I hear her voice Calling my name The sound is deep In the dark I hear her voice And start to run Into the trees Into the trees Into the trees Suddenly I stop But I know it's too late I'm lost in a forest All alone The girl was never there It's always the same I'm running towards nothing Again and again and again and again”
A forest, by The Cure
#todososdiassaodiasdeines #onerunonesong #corrida #running #run #runhappy #instarunners #10k #corridadaarvore